Mini/Semi-Scleral Lenses
Scleral lenses have long been the mainstay of complex lens fitting and can be traced back to the very first documented lens production back in the 1880's by German Ophthalmologist Adolf Fick. Scleral lenses by definition are large (over 23mm in diameter!) and are supported by the sclera (the whit part of the eye) which is much less sensitive than the cornea. This allows for the wearer to have the sharper, crisper vision so often offered by an RGP lens design but without the comfort issues. In actual fact scleral lenses can be much more comfortable than soft lenses!
The modern versions are much smaller ranging from 17-14mm in diameter which are much more manageable. They are fantastic lenses, especially for high or complex prescriptions and can even help with dry eye discomfort.
These lenses have become somewhat of a mainstay in our complex contact lens clinics. Having fitted them for over 12 years now they have literally transformed the lives of some of our more complex patients.
Ask a member of staff for more details!